Goudhurst & Kilndown Church of England Primary School

Learning at Home


Google Classroom Accelerated Reader Times-table Rockstars Spelling Shed

Termly Information

Click on the presentation for an overview of Terms 1 & 2.

zebras autumnterm 2024.pdf




Maths & Times tables

One of the most important things for your child to have mastered and maintain is their knowledge of times tables.  We ask you to ensure your children are learning their times tables on TTR regularly. 

It is very difficult for children to work with fractions if they are not secure in basic times tables, so please make time to review these with your children - singing, chanting in the car, walking to school - little and often is the key. 

To support your children's numeracy at home, I have attached the overview of Power Maths program which we follow in school. 

pm2 year 5 overview.pdf



Spelling and Building Vocabulary

Spellings will be set weekly and posted on our intended learning.  Using a variety of methods is really important in learning letter patterns, from rhyming to using visual reminders.  
You can also practise the year 5 and 6 spelling words from the National Curriculum: https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2019/08/29/13/56/09/5a42eb6a-f57f-4dc4-a66e-bd4c5e27e4b7/SpellingWordList_Y5-6.pdf


Reading with your children - listening to them read and asking them questions, as well as helping them to understand any words they are unsure of - is consistently proven to be the most effective work at home you can do with your children.   Therefore, we ask you to read with your children 4-5 days a week for 20 minutes. 

At this age, it is often more about listening to your children read, and discussing the book with them, rather than helping them to recognise letters and sounds.  Often parents ask us what questions they should be asking.  This may be intuitive for some but anything that helps the children to show their understanding of the book is great.  

Before you start reading:
 - Remind me, what has happened so far?
 - What did we read about last time?
 - What do you think will happen in this next chapter?
 - What do you think this character will do next?

Whilst you are reading, you can check your child's understanding of words - just because they can read them, doesn't mean they understand what they mean.  
 - What does that word mean?
 - Why has the writer used that word or phrase there?  
 - Why do you think that character did that?  
 - What do you think they might do next?

This isn't a prescriptive list and you don't want to constantly interrupt your child but hopefully this helps that what we are trying to support the children in doing is ensuring that they aren't just learning how to read new words, but that they understand and can make meaning from the text. 

We track the children's progress in reading using Accelerated Reader.  There is more information about AR on the link below, as well as the link to login into the site for the children to take their reading quizzes.   We review the information on this site regularly, to check your child's reading is progressing.  Please note you have to use this exact link - often the numbers change in different links. 


If you need your child's AR password please contact the class teacher.

Finally, we often get asked for book recommendations.  Here are some websites you may find useful, or do come and find us and ask us in class.  The Love4Reading site is particularly good, as although you need to register, you can read the first chapters of many books first, so you can see if they appeal before you head to the library to borrow or a bookshop to buy. Books make great gifts too!  It is important children read books they enjoy - we ensure they are reading appropriate books in class, so you have leeway at home to ensure your children are reading for pleasure, building a habit that will last a lifetime.  



Click on the PDF for an overview of learning for Term 5 and 6. 


year 5 pshe autumn1 newsletter.pdf