Goudhurst & Kilndown Church of England Primary School


As a Church of England School we are inspected both by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) and the National Society for Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). In the 2013 SIAS Inspection the school was judged to be “Outstanding” and I am delighted to report that following our recent SIAMS Inspection January 2018, the school was judged to be "Outstanding" again. Comments from the inspection include:

"The commitment and vision of the headteacher, is confidently supported by her staff and governors. This results in highly effective leadership and management of Goudhurst and Kilndown as a distinctive and inclusive church school."

"The learning environment, both inside and outside the school building, makes a significant contribution to the spiritual development of pupils."

"The behaviour of all learners is exceptional. All relationships are underpinned by a mutual respect for each individual, reflecting the Christian character and values of the school."

"Pupils also have an opportunity to develop independence, team work and self-confidence through the forest school. The associated outdoor activities enable them to set aspirational goals for themselves with impact on their subsequent achievement in class."

We are extremely proud of this judgement and are working to build further on the strong links between the Church and school.  You can read the full report below

report goudhurst kilndown siams.pdf